The Internet Marketing Company

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The Internet Marketing Company: How to Make the Market Choose YOU

Why us?

Branding alone does NOT work… The latest fancy technologies in digital media alone won’t save you. Invest as much as you want in the above, but if you don’t know the intricacies of:

  • how to find market gaps
  • exploit weaknesses in your competition
  • nail the real (not assumed) desires, needs & frustrations of your target audience to transform response
  • formulate a real and proper Unique Selling Proposition to position you as the ‘hands down’ only choice
  • speak to your target audience in a way no one else does
  • GET attention to begin with (now a major unspoken challenge in a time starved, cluttered, hyper ADD market place)
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Why Catalyst is the Internet Marketing Company of choice

The biggest missing link the average (even the most successful) SEO Companies have (much to the detriment of their clients) is solid Direct Response marketing and copywriting. And a more boutique Direct Response Marketing & Copywriting service is better still, no matter how big or small your company is.


Because the internet marketing company that ‘knows it’s stuff’, doesn’t just rely on technology with mediocre marketing and expect that alone to transform your business, drives sales and profits.

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For resultsto manifest for your business.

  • Marketing sessions need to take place
  • Strategizing needs to occur
  • Exploiting (or developing) your companies’ strengths (maximizing ROI) needs to be done
  • Taking the time to research and exploit your competition’s weaknesses means more money for you
  • Solving or minimizing any weaknesses within your company needs to be addressed
  • Finding a ‘gap’ in you market needs to be done for getting the market’s attention, and/or getting off ‘competing on price’ (which can make you so much more, even millions in certain industries)
  • Developing a killer Unique Selling Proposition has to happen, to set you apart and make people choose YOU (this can be done even if you’re a pizza shop).
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What Our Clients Say

  • “Within three weeks of engaging them they launched a brand new lead generation campaign for us which converted at over 30%, generated over 250 leads for us, and resulted in over $400,000 in closed sales.”

    Director, Cygnus Energy
  • “I can absolutely see the increase in leads, enquiries and sales we have achieved since working with them and I am delighted! David and I will be working together for many more years, I have no doubt.”

    Director, Tree Photo Studio
  • “Since we started working with the Lead Gen Guys, we’ve more than tripled our enquiries while keeping our ad spend the same, increased our lead quality and our bottom-line revenue has nearly doubled.”

    Director, Auzzie Turf