Mobile Application Developer With Powerful Marketing for Massive ROI
Functional,streamlined,intuitiveand fully branded apps for huge customer retention. Or use as a free give-away for new leads. Unlike others, we can show you how to market it too for even bigger ROI.
With mobile replacing desktop… and Apps replacing mobile browsers… There’s no doubt, every business needs one. Use our experienced app developers to custom make your app to suit your specific business needs
You’ve heard the old saying … “the times, they are a ‘changing…”
Well get this for change: A study by Yahoo and Ipsos uncovered the mobile internet tasks for which smartphone users use a mobile app vs. Browser, 2011 (% of total):
Shop: 73% browser / 27% (App)
Search: 63% / 37%
Entertain: 60% / 40%
Manage: 46% / 54%
Inform: 39% / 61%
Navigate: 35% / 65%
Connect: 31% / 69% (… with YOUR business)
This strongly suggests your would-be customer initially finds your business with a mobile browser search, but then prefers the convenience of an app on their phone’s home screen to use your service again, or to come back to your site.
This can make the difference between light & day when it comes to the all important customer retention issue (where the REAL profits are made. Any business person worth-their-salt knows this all too well)… through higher useability of your site or service.
All this means MORE MONEY for you and out-manoeuvring your competition.
Furthermore… by Christmas next year, a full 50% of all searchers on the planet will be made from a smartphone, or tablet (yes… we do provide mobile responsive websites). And this figure currently sits at 42%
In other words…
… the writing is on the wall.
THIS is the future.
And if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the (highly unprofitable) problem.
Your next frustrating problem is getting a mobile application developer to develop an app for your business will cost you between $3,000 to $10,000.
The common retail figure is about $7,000. Which is fine if you’re a larger company/corporation.

You have two options
Option 1: Catalyst Corporate Solution
Use Catalyst’s team of experienced, creative mobile application developers who’ve worked across many different industries to build an android, iPhone, iPad or Windows phone app for you company. But not just an average app. We’ll find out exactly what your audience wants most in an app. We’ll discuss what are their priorities, conveniences and needs they need met, before putting an app together.
This results in much higher usage of your company app, for higher client retention, usage and overall ROI.
Option 2: Small Business Solution
Use Catalysts’ own unique solution one of our developers came up as a cheaper alternative for smaller operations, to provide your business with this critical –site returning… customer retention- mobile function, and pay only $1,000.
No, there’s no conditions in the fine print!
Just $1,000 for an iPhone/iPad optimised alternative that not only functions the same way an app does… but ALSO:
- forces visitors to install your new app directly on to their iPhone, Ipad, or iPod or any other Apple device in one click
- unique customizable loading ‘start’ screens for branding power and no risk of distractions
Here’s how it works

- Dominate your niche
- Get your business on the home screen of countless prospects and clients who may otherwise have gone elsewhere
- Increase your ROI on lead and traffic generation
- … and get them coming back more often, for higher profits for your business
- Makes your prospects forget or ignore your competition…
In a cluttered market place, there’s no doubt Catalyst has the right mobile app developer that will tailor the right customized solution for your business, and your budget.